Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Will I Be Able to Buy a Home?

So, I paid about $900,000 for it. I put money into remodeling it and sold it for about what I originally paid in 2019 to return to Wisconsin when my mom had become ill. My kids had gone off to college, and I just never quite fit into California. My brother used to say, “You can take the boy out of the country, but you can never take the country out of the boy.” My dad was originally a farmer, and most of us were conservative by culture and nature.
Zillow provides via email free market updates, and I was shocked to see that after five years, the market price had more than doubled!
When I read that the average home in America now costs $441,000, I remember the saying, “You can drown in the river that averages two feet deep.” So, how do we assess the housing market today? Each part of the country is unique in terms of both quality of life and home prices.
First, think about where you envision your dream home will be. Do you prefer the vibrance of city life or a quiet location, maybe a countryside surrounded by grassy hills and nature? Or many dream of beachfront property or maybe a house in the mountains. The Californians I lived near bragged that the ocean and the mountains were each only an hour’s drive away. (They didn’t tell you about the traffic, though.)
What about the size of your dream home? How many bedrooms and bathrooms do you think you will need? Do you want a large living room, and a big kitchen, maybe a cozy and private study? Think about the layout and how the rooms are connected one to the other.
What architectural style appeals to you? Modern, minimalist design, or do you prefer the more traditional or rustic look? Consider the exterior and interior design elements, such as the color scheme, materials, and furniture.
Which unique features do you want in your dream home? This could be a swimming pool, a home theater, a nice-sized garden, library, or a gym. Maybe you want eco-friendly features like solar panels or a green roof? (These were all the rage in California.)
Try to describe the feeling you want your home to create, the ambience, if you will. Do you want it warm and inviting, sleek and modern, or do you just want calm and serene? That will mean considering the lighting, decor, and overall look and feel.
What would be the personal touches that would make your house feel like a home? This might be family photos or artwork that you love to see around you. Think about how you can incorporate your personality and interests into the design.
